
A PIC or CIC code is a 4-digit prefix that identifies a long distance carrier in North America or the Caribbean to a LEC. The LEC uses the code to properly route the call.


Many PIC and CIC codes can be manually dialed before placing a long distance call by dialing 101 followed by the PIC/CIC code. This forces your call to be carried by that PIC/CIC code's carrier instead of your normal long distance carrier.

Browse by Company Name: # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  PIC/CIC Company Name City State Country
0002 D.D.D. Calling Houston TX USA
0143 Digital Network, Inc. Santa Barbara CA USA
0146 DFT Communications Corp. Fredonia NY USA
0153 DoveTel Communications LLC Bremen GA USA
0157 DFT Communications Corp. Fredonia NY USA
0169 DMR Communications Inc. Santa Ana CA USA
0212 D.D.D. Calling Houston TX USA
0215 Dryden Municipal Telephone Service Montreal QC CANADA
0228 Dial-Around Telecom, Inc. Pompano Beach FL USA
0250 Distributel Communications Ltd. Ottawa ON CANADA
0289 Dial Worldwide Communications, Inc. Los Gatos CA USA
0300 Dial-Around Telecom, Inc. Pompano Beach FL USA
0513 DiscoverNet Inc. --- -- USA
0565 Dial-Around TelecomUSA, Inc. USA
0575 Distributel Communications Ltd. Ottawa ON CANADA
0693 Deluxe Data Systems Inc. Glendale WI USA
0805 Dial-Around TelecomUSA, Inc. USA
1234 Distributel Communications Ltd. Ottawa ON CANADA
1515 Distributel Communications Ltd. Ottawa ON CANADA
1954 digitalIPvoice, Inc. Las Vegas NV USA
2345 Distributel Communications Ltd. Ottawa ON CANADA
3672 Deerfield Farmers Telephone Company Petersburg MI USA
3835 Deltel Communications Delcambre LA USA
4680 Dobson Technologies - Transport and Telecom Solutions, LLC Oklahoma City OK USA
5019 Dvorak Mansfield TX USA
5070 Daviess-Martin RTC Telecommunications Company Montgomery IN USA
5164 DataVision Communications, Inc. Gervais OR USA
5179 Dalton Telecommunications, Inc. Colorado City CO USA
5217 DataVision Communications, Inc. Gervais OR USA
5343 DSL Internet Corporation Miami FL USA
5349 DixieNet Communications, LLC Ripley MS USA
5415 Docomo Pacific, Inc. Tamuning Gu USA
5430 D-Tel LLC Wilmington DE USA
5593 DTC Cable Inc. Delhi NY USA
5665 DSL Internet Corporation Miami FL USA
5695 DSCI, LLC Manchester NH USA
5729 DTC Cable Inc. Delhi NY USA
5745 Delcom Inc. Dell City TX USA
5787 Delta Communications, LLC Harrisburg IL USA
5809 DSCI, LLC Manchester NH USA
5831 DSLnet Communications, LLC --- -- USA
5855 Darien Communications, Inc. Darien GA USA
5935 Democratic National Telephone Company Arlington TX USA
6015 Dialog Small Business Alliance, Inc. Charlotte NC USA
6150 Digital Connections, Inc. Morgantown WV USA
6233 Deltacom Long Distance Services Fairport NY USA
6307 Digital Agent Inc. Atlanta GA USA
6400 Dialaround Enterprises Inc. --- -- USA
6543 Discount Network Services, Inc. --- -- USA
6677 Dobson Cellular Systems (wholly owned subsid. of AT&T Inc.) San Ramon CA USA
8000 Daystarr LLC dba Daystarr Communications Owosso MI USA
9595 Douglas Services, Inc. Roseburg OR USA