
A PIC or CIC code is a 4-digit prefix that identifies a long distance carrier in North America or the Caribbean to a LEC. The LEC uses the code to properly route the call.


Many PIC and CIC codes can be manually dialed before placing a long distance call by dialing 101 followed by the PIC/CIC code. This forces your call to be carried by that PIC/CIC code's carrier instead of your normal long distance carrier.

Browse by Company Name: # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  PIC/CIC Company Name City State Country
0252 Yorkstream Communications LLC Albany NY USA
0580 Yak Communications (Canada) Corp. Toronto ON CANADA
0925 Yak Communications (Canada) Corp. Toronto ON CANADA
5031 YK Communications, Ltd. dba GTC-LD Ganado TX USA
5202 Yadkin Valley Telecom, Inc. Yadkinville NC USA
5565 Yak Communications (Canada) Corp. Toronto ON CANADA
5945 Yak Communications (Canada) Corp. Toronto ON CANADA
6219 Yucca Telecommunications Systems, Inc. Portales NM USA
6221 Yucca Telecommunications Systems, Inc. Portales NM USA
6435 Yelcot Telephone Company Mountain Home AR USA
7777 Yorkstream Communications LLC Albany NY USA
7882 YourTel America, Inc. Kansas City MO USA
9434 YMAX Communications Corp. West Palm Beach FL USA