
A PIC or CIC code is a 4-digit prefix that identifies a long distance carrier in North America or the Caribbean to a LEC. The LEC uses the code to properly route the call.


Many PIC and CIC codes can be manually dialed before placing a long distance call by dialing 101 followed by the PIC/CIC code. This forces your call to be carried by that PIC/CIC code's carrier instead of your normal long distance carrier.

Browse by Company Name: # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
  PIC/CIC Company Name City State Country
0005 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
0016 Iloka, Inc. dba NewCloud Networks Greenwood Village CO USA
0101 InterMetro Communications, Inc. Simi Valley CA USA
0123 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
0127 Integrated Path Communications, LLC Hillsdale NY USA
0225 Iowa Network Services, Inc. dba Aureon Network Services, Inc. West Des Moines IA USA
0233 ITC DeltaCom Communications, Inc. Fairport NY USA
0266 ILD Telecommunications, Inc. Addison TX USA
0283 Iowa Communications Network Des Moines IA USA
0297 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
0373 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
0405 InterMetro Communications, Inc. Simi Valley CA USA
0422 Island Tel, PEI London ON CANADA
0457 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
0465 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
0486 Ironton Long Distance Co. Coplay PA USA
0582 Integrated Path Communications, LLC Hillsdale NY USA
0591 Intel Communications --- -- USA
0603 Incomnet Communications Corporation --- -- USA
0636 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
0638 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
0719 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
0738 International Telehop Network Systems Inc. Toronto ON CANADA
0752 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
0782 ILD Telecommunications, Inc. Addison TX USA
0811 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
0818 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
0899 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
1102 IdeaTek Telcom, LLC Buhler KS USA
1651 Interstate Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc. Clear Lake SD USA
2121 Iristel Inc. Markham ON CANADA
2323 ICG ChoiceCom, L.P. Seattle WA USA
2428 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
2551 IdeaOne Telecom, Inc. dba Consolidated Communications Mankato MN USA
2552 IdeaOne Telecom, Inc. dba Consolidated Communications Mankato MN USA
4638 iNET Communications, LLC Boston MA USA
4746 IP Horizon LLC Boca Raton FL USA
4778 ISP Telecom Inc. Montreal QC CANADA
4842 IVIC Telecom S.E.N.C. Nicolet QC CANADA
5023 InformationTelcharge.com Inc. Montreal QC CANADA
5054 InformationTelcharge.com Inc. Montreal QC CANADA
5148 Industry I-Net, Inc. Industry TX USA
5157 Intra Global Communications, Inc. New York NY USA
5318 International Exchange Communications, Inc. dba IECOM --- -- USA
5320 IXNET (subsidiary of Global Crossing, Ltd) Littleton CO USA
5344 iTV-3, Inc. East Peoria IL USA
5438 IDT Corporation --- -- USA
5513 Intercontinental Comms. Group, Inc. dba Fusion Telecom Fort Lauderdale FL USA
5611 Inter-Mountain Cable, Inc. Harold KY USA
5698 International Telecom, Inc. Anchorage AK USA
5713 Inter-Mountain Cable, Inc. Harold KY USA
5826 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
5967 Island Tel, PEI London ON CANADA
6108 Indiana Fones, Inc. Greenfield IN USA
6225 Iowa Network Services, Inc. dba Aureon Network Services, Inc. West Des Moines IA USA
6438 IDT Corporation --- -- USA
6868 Impact Telecom, LLC Southfield MI USA
6945 Indianhead Communications Corp, Blue Earth MN USA
7643 Interurbain Sogetel Inc. Nicolet QC CANADA
8088 IPtelX, LLC Bay City MI USA
8989 Iloka, Inc. dba NewCloud Networks Greenwood Village CO USA